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The otherwolder finds themselves in an odd room with not much furniture, except for the table where they were laid out. They tried looking around, and by the entrance, they noticed a man with white wings on his back and a halo.

You looked at him confusedly. Either remembering just falling asleep somewhere, or completely not remembering anything at all.
"Ah, so that's gonna be another one," the man hums, getting close to take a close inspection at the otherworlder, "Are you feeling alright? No pain or anything at all?" his hands then glowed white as he hovers it over their chest.

"I'm sorry if that surprised you. But you weren't the first one to be here!" he smiles in attempts to calm them down, "I'll explain everything to you later once you've rested up and gotten used to everything, but for now, welcome to Mystique Town."

Chapter Events


  • Mystique town is trapped in a bubble and is closed off from the outside world. Resources can still be found in the town, and some appliances works with the help of magic

  • Aquarius can't lift the barrier around the town at the moment. He simply requests for more time, as well as help from the otherworlders to help the town's revitalization as he concentrates on his side of things.

  • Quest Board is now open. Taking them can help the Otherworlders get adjusted with the new world as well as meeting fellow people in the same situation


​It's been a long while since the Otherworlders have arrived that they probably have gotten used to this place already. And since they'll seem to be a long time resident of Mystique Town, it'll do no-good if we still leave the barrier up. With most of the land now being alive and healthy, there should also be almost no risk of it dying again and being spread out further.

Aquarius had been trying to research for ways on taking it down for a while already, since the method to do so have been lost in his memories and these residents appearance was quite unexpected. The original plan was to let the barrier expire after a certain time passes after all, but waiting for centuries might be too much for them.

Chapter Event: Item Hunt

This is for an experiment in Aquarius research, which consists of various objects found around the town. The angel had been doing the item gathering job himself, but there were still some ingredients missing that he thought some Otherworlders might be helpful with this situation that he asks for anyone who is available! 



  • Aquarius asked some help from the villagers with gathering some research materials

  • All items were found, and he will be able to proceed on research with not much problems

  • Sally Anne Lawson found a stone table in the Nature Reserves Area and reported it to the mayor. There's not much information about the said stone, although it is now being investigated.

  • ​It seemed that there's another stone slab underneath the one first reported. This one has engravings on it and was investigated. It would seem that it's an entrance to a basement. Whether the basement is safe or not isn't confirmed yet.


Since the basement and the barrier are most likely related to one another, Aquarius would like to try unlocking the basement door in hopes to get more clues on how to remove it. A whole seasons passed trying to solve the mystery of the engravings, and he's pretty sure he's on the right track despite the failed attempts. And after realizing the meaning behind one of the engravings, he was now sure that it's the reason why his attempts were failures.

Chapter Event: Item Offering

Aquarius had realized that a human is supposed to be the one to make an offering to the stone tablet and that the answers are trickier than they appear to be. And being an angel himself, all those past attempts were bound to fail immediately no matter how much he tries. Since there's no other humans around the town, except for the Otherworlders, he wonders if anyone's available to lend a hand. As well as see if they could offer whatever the riddle and questions asks of them since he couldn't be sure whether his answers were correct as well.



  • All main riddles have been answered. The basement door is slowly being unlocked itself and it's uncertain when's the exact day it will open.

  • A new riddle popped up. While it does not affect the unlocking process, villagers are allowed to try answering it to see if they will get anything.

  • The seal on the tablet has been removed, revealing a basement behind it that looks more like a maze.

  • Barrier had grown bigger and weaker. Town map had expanded, and normal natives can now enter the town.

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