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  • DeviantArt


  • Please be kind and respectful to everyone.

    • ​Any forms of harassment or bullying towards other members aren't tolerated and will result to perma-ban. Please message us mods if this ever happens as we want a happy and safe environment for the group

  • Follow the basic rp etiquette ​​

    • no godmodding, no gary-stus or mary-sues, etc.​​

  • Make sure that the character you use is 100% original from you and is not completely based on an existing fictional character (recycling or reusing some characters of yours is completely fine.)

    • It's fine if you request others to design/draw your character though, as long as proper credit is given​

  • Tracing and using of bases aren't allowed

    • Using an image or pose as inspiration is alright, but don't outright copy them!

  • Any mental illnesses/disabilities must be fully researched before applied to your character

    • This applies to any illness or disability, be they acute or chronic, in-born or acquired and permanent or temporary. If you, personally, have this condition, then the reference would be yourself and your experience which is perfectly fine. However, if you wish to give this to your character which you have not encountered or experienced, we expect this to be researched and understood before it is acted out. Try to avoid giving any affliction to the villager just for the sake of 'character' - do not let this define them

  • Having two characters on the same role is not allowed!

    • Please give chance to others when it comes to obtaining the available roles. (But it is fine to have two or more characters in "Unlisted" role as I add them in the role list at some point.)

  • Make sure the discussions are kept within pg-16 and never go NSFW.

    • This would also include not talking about political or very heavy stuff. The rp group is here for everyone to chill and relax and have fun with developing our characters so environment should be lighthearted~​

  • ​Make sure messages are sent in the appropriate channels.​

    • Make sure that comments in uploaded art only goes in art chat, rp rooms is for rping etc.​

  • Activity check will happen 3 times per year, or every 4 months.

    • It'll just be a simple activity check, just to make sure members are still interested in the group. You'll only be put in hiatus if you failed to comply, and are free to return any time before the next activity check.​

  • Do not force ships

    • One sided crush is fine, but please don't dictate what the other oc is feeling (unless the oc's creator had said so already)

  • Have fun!

    • THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE!!! Don't be pressured or force yourself whenever events are ongoing (since that might stress you out more). Just do things in your own pace and make sure you're having fun in the group​

© 2021-2022 by Mystique Town. Proudly created with

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