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Q: Can I make a new character even though the group is closed?

A: Once you're a member, you're always allowed to make a character whether the group is open or not. To do so, you need to purchase 'Extra Otherworlder' first from the store, which costs, 1750g, and once the order has been accepted, you are now free to post in the reservation


Q: Does monster and magic exist?

A: Yes to both! The list of some magic and monster that is available will rely on the Rune Factory series


Q: Can we make characters from other races?

A: For new members, no. Otherworlders have to be a user's first character always.

A: For the members, other races will be available in the future chapter yes! But since the group's main characters are Otherworlders, some heavy requirements will be set before one can purchase an 'Extra Native' from the Store. More information for native characters that can be from different race would be posted once they are available.


Q: Can we suggest a role for a character?

A: Absolutely! We would love to hear any suggestions for possible roles (or anything for the group tbh) Do note that I would most likely only update the role list during the opening of the group or at the end of a main story chapter rp where some updates of about the current events are made~


Q: Where does the money of villagers come from?

A: Most likely from the mayor's pocket or from the guildmaster.

A: Also, while you do own money from submitting art/lit or rewards, those are different from the money received by your character themselves. So in a hypothetical situation where you have a fresh new 2nd character, and you want to buy a building for them for a store you want them to run, ooc-wise, you have to buy the building permit with the money you've gained from submission/participation, but ic-wise, the villager just has to explain their reasons to Aquarius, and if it sounds reasonable, he would let them own the building and will only fund the necessary equipments.

A: Villagers receive some allowance ic-wise in case they wanna buy something from the guild, but those with job roles obviously have more money since they'll also have their salary on top of the allowance


Q: What's the stats for?

A: During chapter events rps, I may sometimes requests for rolls and the stats can help in increasing the chance to get the best results. It would also play a major role once the battle system has been introduced (which, I don't think will happen any time soon)


Q: Can we change a villager's role?

A: Yep, you certainly can. There's an item in the shop that will allow you to change roles (I tried making it as cheap as possible since I needed it to keep track of the changes done.


Q: When will the limit for certain role increase?

A: When at least 5 roles have been filled, I increase some of the role limit by 1 or 2.


Q: What happens after a new Otherworlder arrive?

A: All Otherworlders will wake up in the shrine first. After that, Aquarius will try to briefly explain the situation, one of his generic line would be, "Welcome to Mystique Town. Although it may sound unbelievable, you are not the first one to have come from a world that is named 'Earth'. The fellow residents here are stuck in the same situation ss you, where they're suddenly in a new place, and the unfortunate ones even loses some of their memory"

A: After that, he would lead them to the mayor's office to explain more if needed. If they don't have any question, or they wouldn't really wanna listen, then he'll bring them to the clinic where Korinthia will do a basic checkup on them.

A: After the checkup, the Otherworlder would have an option to go rest at the inn first to absorb their new situation, or immediately proceed to the guild to order new clothes. If the Otherworlder can't go to the inn for some various reasons, they can request either the mayor, innkeeper, or the doctor to bring them the new clothes.

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