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  • DeviantArt
  • A single day in Town of Mystique is equal to 3 days irl. (Excess days are to be considered as the last day of the year, but it doesn't change that the single day is equal to 72 hours IC.)

  • RP in rp rooms occurs in real time unless stated by the members (so the date rp occurs will be based on whatever is the date in the calendar).

  • Money is gained through the participating in quests, events, fights (once it becomes available), and art and rp submission.

  • One character per new user. More can be unlocked through the store or as the story proceeds. All Otherworlders are humans in modern and present Earth.

  • Clothes for Otherworlders are provided by Scorpio, which is why their outfit should fit the fantasy setting

  • Otherworlders arrived in Mystique Town some few years, or maybe just a season ago, from the current story.

  • There seems to some Otherworlders who experienced amnesia upon arriving (a mishap from being transferred to another world perhaps?) . Backstory can be left empty in this scenario, or just a brief info of their current character and personality. It is up to you if they ever regain their memories and just update us mods if this happens.

  • Both monsters (refer to those found in Rune Factory though there will also be some additional ones) as well as normal animals exists in the world of Mystique Town

  • Available items will also rely in both Harvest Moon and Rune Factory

  • For the electricity: Yes yes, we do got electricity, but the way it works with appliances would be kind of different to our modern tech. Electricity will come from either mana/magic, windmills, or waterfall, and those would be stored into something like a capsule (with the help of an equipment that's currently found in the mayor's office) that would then be inserted in the appliances. So we still got refrigerator, some cooking appliances, and lights in this world, and it's the mayor's job to make sure they don't suddenly ran out of electricity as he checks households and how much electricity the capsule still has. But no machinery, internet, cellphone or radios though

  • Magic exists in this world, and some spells available will be based on Rune Factory. Addition to that are some bloodline abilities that would only be available to natives.


  • Aquarius and Scorpio were one of the ones who set it up.

  • It was raised in Mystique Town because the land was slowly dying and it was spreading, so they decided to contain it to stop it from going any further

  • For the current chapters, barrier that is raised is transparent and unnoticeable until one comes in contact with it. Some natives living outside the barrier can still see whatever's inside it, although not really many passes around the area Mystique Town since it's believed that there's nothing to be seen there.

  • There are some natives who can enter the barrier however. Those are champions or representatives of other angels that received their blessings. Not all helps out, though they are the only one who tends to pass by the area

  • Monsters aren't able to enter the barrier at the moment.

  • Since the land is already doing good and well, the barrier can be removed already. Unfortunately, they have forgotten the method that was used to raise the barrier, as well as the information of removing it, which is why Aquarius is now doing his research about it as well.

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