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The town of Mystique, found in the middle of Agrasea continent, had been suffering from poor land due to unknown reasons, where plants and other creatures find the place too uninhabitable. The town was soon abandoned, and the only one who remained and stayed behind was an angel, who was tasked to watch over it. After decades with no signs of recovery, one would expect that he'll give up on the land and leave the place to find a new job, but he simply prays that a solution will come soon, and that it'll return as a great town like it used to be. He tried doing all kinds of solution, which included raising a very strong barrier with the assistance of his other acquaintances, to stop the decay from spreading, and starting the recovery from within by casting some magic. While it shows some effects of greenery, the town isn't completely alive yet.

In the year x500, a shrine rose within the depths of the abandoned town. Along with it were some plants starting to be revived again. The angel sees this as a good sign, and continued with his faith that it was the start of everything. In the year x621, an individual appeared in the shrine, with no memories. The angel took care of them, and tells the tale of the land. With the stranger's eager assistance to help with the angel's goals, he started farm work with the angel as his guide. In the year x630, more otherworlders have appeared, and while some had their memories intact, there are also some who suffered amnesia just like the farmer

"Oh, you're finally awake as well," was the first greeting the otherworlders had received upon coming into consciousness.

Will you help rebuild the town to its former glory?

Casual || Chapter Based || Rune Factory Inspired || Isekai || Fantasy Setting

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